AudiencE ProfilinG...
Demographic Profiling...The most basic form of identification for target audeinces if demogrpahic profiling. This groups audiences depending on their age, class, gender, geogrphical area, class, ecnomic status and religion. This is a simplistic way of defining an audeince as it assumes everyone in the same group has similar needs, wants and attitudes.
If I was to place myself in each group i would be under the following:
18 Years Old
Working/Middle Class
from London
Asian ethnic background
British born
Psychogrpahic Profiling...
Researchers now gruop audinces interms of their needs and motivations rather than simple demogrpahic factors.Consumers and therfore targetted directly through their needs and wants.
My psychographic profiling will portray me as an individual who is not easily manipulated into purhcasing items becuase they are popular amongst manistream auduiences. I dont necessarily like attention or standing out from the crowd, therfore i don't feel obligated to dress and act in a ceratin way to be acknowledged. I would, to some extent, describe myself as a Succeeder rather that a Mainstreamer, as at the moment, I feel I have control over the decisions that I make!
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