Sunday, January 28, 2007

SelF EvaluatioN...

Attainment = 1

I always make sure that my work is of a high quality.


I contribute to class discussions and always give my view and opinions on the topic of discussion. I make sure that my blog is up-to-date and that it is presentable for all to view and understand.


I am always punctual to lessons and doubt i have actually missed any lessons unless i was on a trip.

Submission and quality of homework = 2

My homework is always completed on time (unless i have technical diffuculties with my computer) as you can see if you view my blog and it is always of a high standard.

Abilty to work independently = 1

As we are doing our independent studies now, i have managed to collect research and also produce a blog to compliment my work. This shows how i am an independent student and capable to work on my own.

Quality of writing=1

I am always trying my best to produce formal peices of writing i.e. exam practise we done so far. From last year my skills in this section have improved due to the media terminolgy which i can now include in my work, making me sound more professional.

Organistion of Media folder = 1

I have neatly placed my sheets in plastic folders to avoid loosing them. Mr Munro and Mr Bush's wok is divided so i have easy access to it.

Oral contributions in class=2

I always have something to say about what is being discussed, however i would like to still improve on this slightly.

Standard of module 5 blog=1

All work is up to date and presentable. i have also placed videos on my blog to make it look more exciting to view.

Standard of module 6 blog=1

Same as module 5