Thursday, February 01, 2007

ExaM PractisE...

The Mirror is a red-top tabloid newspaper, as the articles that it produces and exposes to the public are in a very gossipy context and style. You could categorize it as popular press as its main aims are to entertain. Their stories revolve around celebrities and many of the articles are sensationalized.

Sans-serif font portarys the paper as informal and more casual. Suggesting the targert audeince are working/middle class.

  • Large Mast-head infroms readers imediately of the paper - striking as it is red.
  • mimicking Forest Gump, Geroge Bush looking confsed and a little childish, shwing that he is not fit to govern a conutry.
  • Gordon Brown also mentioned, but in a postive light, possibly suggesting that Britain is more stable than the USA, as Bush lookis uncertain about his duties.
  • Election box described as a 'chocloate box'. Introduing humour on a serious topic - further attracting audeinces of a less eduatcated bcackgroud.

The Daparted movie poster follows similar conventions of many other. The Charatcers are enlisted, the title of the Film is exposed and furhtermore the presenation and layout connotes sertains ideas of the genre of the text.

  • The Departed - stated twice- both in serif font, however not as extreme possibly suggesting the film to have a serious nature to it but also elemants which make it a little relaxed (humour)
  • Main protagonists are shown to be carved into the title - shows how their life is centered around their mission in the film. Also creating an enigma as parts of their faces are cut-suggesting a sort of puzzle which ust be solved.

  • Colours further connote this idea of a mystery and danger - Black and Red
  • The Departed meaning dead - one of the main protagonists will also be 'departing'

  • Serious expressions on the faces of the protagonists - looking curiously in all directions.
  • 'Cops or Criminals' - corrupt society in which the two merge as alliances.

The Source is considered to be a popular music magazine amongst many teens. Its inerviews with top celbreities reveals gossip to all its readers and futher keeps them intrigued by the pictures and top music hits printed. Everything in this magazine is updated to what is popilar in demand with other teens.

  • san-serif font implies an informal and casual magazine which does not possibly deal with current affairs.

  • Image of Lil’ Kim attracts music fans, and also suggests that the overall magazine deals with music related issues. This is further emphasized with the worlds ‘Reggae’ –a popular music genre.
  • 'Best of the Best ofs' - implies the magazines caters to all those looking for the top hits, interviews and gossip.
  • Lil' Kim is placed infront of the actual masthead-suggesting her imporatnce and popularity in the usic world today. this is firther emphasised but the countless microphones beneath her. this can also infer that she is above all media press.
  • Her facial expression gives the magazine a personified 'attitude'- attracts teenagers who also believe that they can realte to her nature.
  • 'Exlcusive' suggests that the magazine are always up-to-date with whats new and fresh.
  • The possible audeince could be teenagers of an age range 16+. It probably targetting a more black culture, as Reggae is their cultural music.


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